Monday 24 June 2013

the Fosters on ABC fambam

Who is watching the Fosters?!!!
Since when is Jake T. Austin a hottie and isn't it unfair to women's ovaries everywhere that he looks like Wilmer Valderrama. I bet they are related,could be some cousins removed logistics. Anyhoodle this show is a cutesy, light watch it would have more weighed in more with me perhaps if I didn't live with both parents who were friends since secondary school but i can appreciate the dynamics. What I cant appreciate are the characters pissing me off.Firstly sweet sweet Marianna you are way too cute and too spoilt to be bawling about your best friend and your brother I expected you to use it for your own selfish goals highly disappointed. That aussie girl Maia playing Callie sit your ass down and tell us about Liam does it involve rape, drugs, and or murder and please directors for the love of all that is right do not copy PLL style you already started with the journal, and the teacher mom cooking test grades *deep sigh* as much as I love PLL its on-going secrecy complete with its twists and turns really is ruining it for any up coming fluff mystery show and yes you are fluff if you are not channelling 'the Following'. Props to the moms funny how I haven't heard the church rile up about it yet but hey church are riling up here and there down here in hot hot (too frikkin hot this summer) Jamaica. There was even a road march in Montego Bay against gays.
Back to the show if they let something happen to Jude (notice my iron will, I haven't made a crack at his name) I'm going to write a terse letter to executive director Jennifer Lopez they never do fail to mention that. Also notice how Jude is not in the picture smh
 so far 2/5 stars

Wanna be Writer

Sent in my resume and chizz for a part time writers vacancy a few weeks ago because years a go I had a fanciful dream to see my own byline and of course because I dream big to edit my own magazine/newspaper. The ad didn't say where or which company et cetera et cetera just that it was located in Jamaica. So I sent it in and immediately forgot about it but lo and behold I received an email from the company yesterday (wont name drop because it might be illegal) and I'm all like what??!!! yay *happy dance* and then my inner cynic was released cant really go into what she said just because she's a ranter but anyhoodle basically they were asking for a membership fee which is probably  what drew out my inner cynic in the first place and of course I sent it to 'goat mouth ' momma and asked her what she thinks. She thinks its not legit what with their address not having a street and all which meant that I shut my mind to it and all the remaining excitement dwindled away as gas. Anybody who knows me knows I take my mom's advice as instructions and those instructions are like the holy grail. Tis a practice that wont make for a comfortable year when I move out but one must break free and find oneself.

Moral of the story: my story has none
but I realized I still have that dream even if my style of writing is the type of informal writing that sounds like i'm writing to my own fan club who actually gives a chizz about my daily twerks [lmao, cant even use that word again without picturing Miley's back i mean bum waggling here and there].

So about the dream thing I may try again. You should too

signed: Chicky xoxo

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Gay vs Straight|| Jamaican Issues

So I just read the paper and it has just dawned on me how way behind i am. The observer i believe it was has an article stating that following the requested repeal of the buggery law by the gay community a church group has invited churches island wide to march in protest. Now lets be honest there are many Jamaicans who believe that being gay is a way of saying i hate Jamaica and I hate Jamaicans and would like to leave by way of...death and hey you know I'm right. Back to the article, the observer took some comments from their on-line database regarding the issue where people were going off about "standing up for moral rights", "walking by faith Christian soldiers", "hypocritical church where are the marches against other crimes", "gays are hidden in churches too", "churches need to address other issues too". I could go on and on but here is my standing on it. I am not in support of being gay as a matter if fact i believe counselling should be given and if that doesn't work well that's your business and Gods. I am also not a supporter of ostracising people being gay does not make a complete person the same as being straight does not make a complete person there are other attributes ranging from good to bad even some that are on the same page as *cue  music* *tun tun tun tuuuuuunnnn* being gay (yes i swear that's how homophobes hear the word).
The tricky part about this is  and share your thoughts in the comment section. Do you keep a law that is right and deny other persons a choice? i have a feeling that God would have to come down and speak clarity in the matter. Biblically to me anyways gay is a no no and giving people a choice is a yes yes so *shrugs* hopefully the issue is resolved in a peaceful manner oh who am i kidding there may be blood shed and abuse

Keep safe throughout my lovelies!!

signed: Chicky xoxo

Friday 14 June 2013

*singing in Rowland's voice* Motivation

Its summer and normally it would be a carefree one where i stay at home and go through the continuous cycle of draining my brain cells on television mind you i read too so it wont be that bad but this summer the future pressed its fist in my back lowered its lips to my ears and yelled 'GET A MOVE ON!!!'
So yours truly has summer school and is searching albeit half heartedly for a job a job that I NEED to complete school but my half assed attempts betray my total annoying bum like attitude. My best friend asked me about my job search and my answer went along the lines of wait you know what i'll copy it directly off fb

"i have the perfect job in my head where i'm a personal assistant for an old fuddy and he's all kind and shit and he takes me with him on his business trips to exotic places and i dont have to wear stockings everyday or be cooped up in ac everyday
oh the joy if i get an actual job i'll become jaded"

you can understand the plight i have with myself. I a lady with ambitions and dreams have resigned myself to a lazy and abstract world but i am here today to act as motivation for you lovely people like me. Imagine my fist in your back my lips lowered to your delicate ear drums except this time i'll be yelling 'TAKE YOUR FUTURE IN YOUR OWN HANDS AND WORK YOUR ASS OFF FOR THE BEST BECAUSE YOU SURE AS HELL WONT BE OFFERED A FREE RIDE TO SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS'
i like to talk i'm sure you can see well at least it wasn't a monologue but seriously guys its easy to become complacent believing you can ride somebody's coat tails to victory but you gotta work and besides your lovely life coach here you gotta motivate yourself.


Signed: Chicky xoxo