Monday, 24 June 2013

Wanna be Writer

Sent in my resume and chizz for a part time writers vacancy a few weeks ago because years a go I had a fanciful dream to see my own byline and of course because I dream big to edit my own magazine/newspaper. The ad didn't say where or which company et cetera et cetera just that it was located in Jamaica. So I sent it in and immediately forgot about it but lo and behold I received an email from the company yesterday (wont name drop because it might be illegal) and I'm all like what??!!! yay *happy dance* and then my inner cynic was released cant really go into what she said just because she's a ranter but anyhoodle basically they were asking for a membership fee which is probably  what drew out my inner cynic in the first place and of course I sent it to 'goat mouth ' momma and asked her what she thinks. She thinks its not legit what with their address not having a street and all which meant that I shut my mind to it and all the remaining excitement dwindled away as gas. Anybody who knows me knows I take my mom's advice as instructions and those instructions are like the holy grail. Tis a practice that wont make for a comfortable year when I move out but one must break free and find oneself.

Moral of the story: my story has none
but I realized I still have that dream even if my style of writing is the type of informal writing that sounds like i'm writing to my own fan club who actually gives a chizz about my daily twerks [lmao, cant even use that word again without picturing Miley's back i mean bum waggling here and there].

So about the dream thing I may try again. You should too

signed: Chicky xoxo

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