- check out this article . And this is where my fear of being a professional comes from. No matter your field as you climb the ladder, as you become a media figure, a professor or doctor, as you become a leader in your field the ever famous saying becomes your motto chanted by others and never by you : 'You will be damned if you do and you certainly will be damned if you do not'. Yes I do have an opinion on what that little situation is all about and no I will not share. Guess to your hearts content
- My condolences to the family of the twins who died in the flood. No one is to be blamed not the children, not the security guards of their school, not the teachers, principal or administration, not their aunt/care giver but instead energy should be focused on the support of that mother and of that family. It is easier to use your frustration and fuel the blame train (<--ha so corny) but it is much more difficult to make good of it.
- My dance role model Ciara had her baby boy and named him Future. Its no big deal its her first son his fourth or fifth I'm not quite sure but it is her stamp on her favoured baby boy to show off her love of the boy's father
- Oh my gosh as a thought to be addict of Bones I find out that Bones is so far gone that there is an official B&B and TNT didn't let me know. I am fraught with emotions
signed: Chicky xoxo