Monday, 8 July 2013

Virginal just not Virgin

Dear Diary
well more like Dear Fan club
There are aspects in this lovely Jamaican culture that I just cannot stand. What is it that irks me so you ask well let the story begin.
I am a 19 year old female that is fairly attractive *fierce finger snap* and through out my years have only had one boyfriend and it wasn't even a serious one now unto the irk. Whyyy [yes the extra Ys mean the word has to last for more than a second] why oh why must people take it upon their self to become my therapist after hearing that. Once I tell them my romantic background they are all aghast [meanings are sometimes better than the actual word] correction they are all struck down by overwhelming shock and amazement. After which they proceed to either "get with me" or proclaim that i'm 'lame' or even both.
There are just times when I want to climb that fountain in the middle of town and raise my arms and say 'ITS ALL GRAVY MAN' I'm not waiting on anything special, no i'm not a forbidden apple for you to sink your teeth in and no no no I am  NOT joining a nunnery again i say 'ITS ALL GRAVY MAN' but yeah if i did that they would have me admitted and undergoing tests faster than i can say gravy lmao so for now i'll take to this forum and rant my little heart out.

Just give the hot momma over here a break please.Time will have her converting to the norm well not your norm. I am after all a husband, kids, house with the biggest bathroom EVER kind of gal yeah thats a no go on the white fence i need the space for my mirror wall

hope yall are doing fantabulous btw

signed: Chicky xoxo