Starring gynaecologists, the Jamaican bureau of standards, the media and of course the public.
Basically gynaecologists have discovered that thanks to some tissue paper infected with whatever micro biological crap individuals are being infected.The bureau is aware of the situation and through the media has notably said that there weren't any tests in place in the initial stage to discover said infection. The problem now is that there is the debate whether or not to release the name of the company with the inferior brand note they have stop putting out any more the problem is that there an unknown number of tissues on shelves in stores.
What grabs my goat though (or some saying like that) is that people haven't weighed the pros and cons of it yet they are threatening to sue left right and centre (like seriously -_- when last an average Jamaican get up and sue somebody and no lose). Persons are on Facebook (yes yes I know freedom of speech and all that jazz) demanding the company's name but here's what will happen if they give out the company's name that company along with its employees will suffer and if they don't release the name the public's health will suffer. My solution or rather my momma's solution is that they privately speak to the company give them a time limit of three months to fix it if not release the name ultimatum baby because the facts are that there was no test so they wouldn't have know. Now what the bureau shouldn't have done was release a list of "safe" tissues which is why now they are being sued and no not by an average Jamaican but in fact a tissue company that was left off the list who supposedly has "safe" tissues.
Best of luck with everything my loves and yes i am sticking to that safe list btw women calm down men use tissue paper too and not because you have a vagina means you have more say in the matter oh geez not to mention the lady they interviewed they must have paid her to sob or attempt rather
signed: Chicky xoxo
signed: Chicky xoxo